Graduation Bucket List

Congratulations on graduating with your college degree very soon! You’re almost done with finals and you’re looking forward to wearing the cap and gown and receiving your diploma on stage, which you should be. Beyond the excitement and hard work, you should also have a checklist or bucket list before you graduate to be sure you’re ready to move beyond college life. We have a sample bucket list below:

1. Start Saving
Whether or not you have a job lined up, you should be sure to save as much money before you graduate. Perhaps you’re saving up to live on your own or buy a car, but we recommend saving what you can before you walk across the stage.

2. Build Your Network
While you might be looking forward to turning your back on the halls of college, you should establish good relationships with your professors, especially in your major or career field, in order to create a network for recommendations and jobs. Your professors may have contacts that will get your foot in the door in your career field!

3. Sleep In
College life can be hectic, but its schedule can be considered much more luxurious than the “real world” where you are expected to be at work at 8:00 a.m. Sleep in when you have the time and enjoy the free spaces between classes and testing.

4. Hang Out with Friends
Your friends at college might be moving to other states or countries after graduation, so take advantage of being able to hang out with your friends in person. The good news is that there are so many ways to stay in touch over distances with your college friends.

5. Apply for Jobs
While this is the least fun option on this bucket list, you will thank your college self for applying for jobs before graduation. If you can secure a job before you leave campus, you can breathe easier when you walk across the stage. 

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