Seniors in Transition

Future Institute administered a survey as part of the Future Institute Research Center, which asked nearly 150 high school seniors in the class of 2019 questions about their readiness and preparation for college and careers. The data from this survey is still in the process of being analyzed and this is only a general overview of a few questions that were asked. 

How confident do you feel about your post-high school transition?

Nearly a majority of the seniors surveyed expressed confidence in their transition after high school into college or careers.

What challenges may you encounter in your path to college or career?

The biggest challenges facing the high school graduates revolve around college expenses and the social aspects of post high-school life. Over half the participants perceived tuition, school fees, and navigating college life as the top challenges.

What courses would you have liked to take during high school?

The survey gave participants choices for A. Career focused, B. College-like (AP credit, dual credit), C. A combination of A and B, and fill-in-the-blank. Nearly fifty percent of respondents chose the combination of career-focused and college-like answer and 38.2 percent wanted to take career-focused classes during high school. It’s worthy to note that the high schools in this survey offer AP credit courses. A few fill-in answers addressed the need for “real life classes like how to file taxes, what we need need to know about student loans, etc.”